First Information Report
- Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 provides for FIR.
- It deals with the information relating to the commission of a cognizable offense
- Any person can inform the commission of a cognizable offense to the police either orally or in writing.
- The FIR is a very important document because the FIR sets the criminal law in motion.
- Once, the information has been recorded by the Police, it must be signed by the person giving the said information.
- The copy of FIR must be provided to the informant without any cost.
- Sections 182, 203 and 211 of the IPC provide for the punishment for giving false information to the Police.
- Essentials about a FIR –
- The information should be related with the commission of a cognizable offense
- It must be first point of time.
- It should not be vague or indefinite.
- It should be given to the officer in charge of the Police Station.
- It may be given orally or writing. If the said information is given orally, it must reduce to writing.
- It may be given by anybody.
- It should be signed or marked by the informant.
- The copy of FIR must be provided to the informant.
- The FIR is different from a Complaint. A complaint is an allegation made orally or in writing to the Magistrate. Whereas, the first information is given in writing or orally to the police officer.
- The Hon’ble. High Courts have the power to quash an First Information Report. As per Section 482 of Cr.PC, the the High Court has powers to prevent abuse of the process of any Court of law and to secure the ends of justice.