Coastal Regulation Zone
- The Parliament of India had passed the Environment Protection Act, 1986 and under the said Act, a Notification was issued for regulation of activities in the coastal area by the Ministry of Environment and Forests
- The CRZ has been defined in the said Notification.Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ) are declared by the Indian Government vide the said Notification issued in the month of February 1991,for the first time.
- CRZ has been divided into four categories
- CRZ-1,
- CRZ-2,
- CRZ-3,
- CRZ-4.
- CRZ-1: These are ecologically sensitive areas. This area plays a vital role in maintaining the ecosystem of the coast. It lies between high tide and low tide line. In this area the exploration of natural gas and extraction of salt are allowed.
- CRZ-2: It includes the areas developed up to the shoreline of the coast. Unauthorized structures are not permitted to construct in this zone.
- CRZ-3: It contains rural and urban localities which fall outside the 1 and 2. In this zone, only certain activities related to agriculture even some public facilities are permitted.
- CRZ-4: It includes the area of the aquatic area up to territorial limits. In this zone, fishing and allied activities are allowed.