Rule of Law
- The Doctrine of Rule of Law is the basis of the Administrative Law.
- It is one of the most fundamental aspects of modern Legal Systems.
- Sir Edward Coke is said to be the Founder of the concept of Rule of Law and the theory of Rule of Law was developed by Prof. A.V.Dicey
- According to Prof. Dicey, the rule of law signifies three different but interrelated concepts namely -
- The Supremacy of the Law
- Equality before the Law
- The predominance of Legal Spirit
- The Supremacy of the Law
- According to Dicey, “the Supremacy of the Law” is the first principle of the Rule of Law.
- It means no man is punished except for a breach of law.
- Equality before the Law
- According to Dicey, “Equality before the Law” is the second principle of the Rule of Law.
- It means no one is above the law.
- All are equal before the law.
- The predominance of Legal Spirit
- “Predominance of Legal Spirit” is the third principle of the Rule of Law, as stated by Dicey.
- According to Dicey, the law court should be the guarantor and protectors of the liberty of the citizens.
- The Doctrine of Rule of Law is accepted in the Constitution of India. It enunciates the triple concepts of justice, liberty, and equality.